Friday 18 July 2014

Real Border province trouble: Cossacks shoot down airliner

Evidence that the Air Malaysia jet was shot down by a missile points to Donyetsk Cossack Rebels

It appears a SA-11 or SA-17 (BUK) Surface to air missile was used by Ukranian separatist rebels to down the ill-fated Malaysian airliner earlier today.

Internet sleuths quickly pointed the finger to Donyetsk rebels. Intercepted mobile phone conversations suggest that a Cossack Unit operating a SA-11 or SA-17 missile launching vehicle may have been responsible for shooting down the airliner and killing almost 300 innocent civilians. It is suspected that this is the same crew that downed a military transport earlier in the week.

Sources in the area claim to have taken a video of the crew departing with the launcher, which was reportedly captured in the preceding weeks, and the news celebrated in the Russian press.

Click on the link to the Aircraft Nut blog for the whole story and more images

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