At Last: Wood Elves on the Horizon

Athel Loren are finally heading our way. Rex Foote must be rapped! He's been waiting so long!
They have now access to all the 8 colleges of magic, and Elven Dark and High. Call me cynical, but is this a push to make the WEs more popular ?
The latest White Dwarf ends with: "If you go out to the woods today...'ll be in for a big surprise."
From across the net:
Arriving in May Only a two week release - Armybook, magic cards and three plastic kits. Not a total overhaul and their fine cast kits - even the cavalry plastic-finecast-kits - stay valid. The only exception is the eternal guard. These have been dropped completely.
As expected, the new kits are multi-purpose, so it can be used for several different units.
Builds: Three hawk riders, which are one hawk and two surfers or three giant owl-like stonefeathers and six waywatchers. On top of that you can build a hero on hawk or on foot.
The second kit is a war dancer combination kit. The second unit wears varying animal masks and shields made of pelt on wooden frames. They have animal claws as weapons.
The last kit is tree ancient and meadow hag. The former is a giant-sized tree man with a huge beard made of bark. The latter has a crown of leaves and she has a skirt of roots instead of legs. Her hands grow into a web of thorns. The rest of the range stays as it is
The wood elves have very dynamic poses because almost all their units are skirmishers again and the sculptors didn't have to worry about spacing. Skirmishers work seamlessly with other regiments in 9th edition, so there will be no problem with this play style.

Durthu Rules
A combo kit for Eternal Guard or whatever their name would be) -they look similar to all the new elf Shadowarrior/Sisters kits with their legs and armor -they have hoods on and halberds/scythes instead.
Araloth, another SC that has the Stubborn Special Rule and 5 attacks as well as when he's a alone he is Unbreakable. He has some magic items that are niche but some are clinical as well. For Example his "shooting attack": at the start of your turn nominate a single enemy model within 18in', they take a S4 hit. If the wound is unsaved and the to wound roll was a 6 they lose -5 WS and I for the rest of the game.
Additionally Forest Spirit gives: +6 Ward Save, ITP, Magical shooting and close combat attacks.

Araloth and rules

The Pics of Wood Elves
via Wolfen on his site (translated)
* Warhammer - Wood Elves : Army Book full color, hardcover, with background and rules distributed throughout its 92 pages, cost 39 euros .
* Battle Magic - Elves : 16 magic cards, its cost is 6 euros .
* Araloth the Sorcerer : New Characters in plastic, is the wizard that includes his falcon. Be sold in blister by 17'50 euros .
* Ancient Treeman : Reissue Old Man Tree, is a triple box, where we can mount three plastic figures a Tree Running Man, a Man Elder Tree or himself Durthu a new character Treeman Ancient. The price of the box is 50 euros .
Army Wide Rules
via Ángel Larraz Rada on his blog (translated)
Army wide rules:
- ASF, hatred beastmen, forest strider, no penalty to move and shoot with bows, and all bows both magical and norma' l re roll 1 to hit and add +1 strength at half range.
- Wizards have +1 to cast lore of Athel Loren
- Wardancers and waywatchers are unchanged bar waywatcher at half eange are both S4 and have killing blow
- Warhawks have the old hit and run rule.
- Eternal guard are unchanged bare the weapons. The searath is a spear that gives +1 strength
- Mantle of the Asrai gives a 6 plus ward and mantle of kurunos gives a 6 plus armour save.
- Wild riders gain frenzy
- Forest spirit rule gives units immune to psycology and a 6 plus ward save