Thursday, 14 February 2013

Furious preparation and Anticip....ation

Furious preparation and Anticip....ation

How you do, I...
see you've met my...
faithful ...

This faithful handyman has been furiously painting and basing, magnetising his Dark Elf Army for this weekend's NZ Team Champs Tournament. Static grass everywhere...
I think the stuff used to be sold in small quantities as prank  itching powder in years gone by.

I see we've been rated right at the bottom of the pile by the Van Trapp Family Team
(?) High on a hill stands the lonely goat herd.... Visions of play-clothes made out of curtains...Ugh!

Or is this bottom of the list the worst in terms of nastiness of armies? The Swedish analysis ranks mine as the worst on our side. The other lists all look pretty brutal too.

I supposed if it's based on my tournament experience I belong right at the bottom.
I see Sam's been having dreams of real life Doom Divers...

I was diving for crayfish in my dreams all of last night with my WH NZTC team mates...
I was the only one not wearing a wet-suit.

Thinks it probably reflects my trepidation at being a tournament newbie...


  1. In my dreams because they were landing on tables I was more wondering about how many crushed miniatures there was rather than how. Looking back at it I feel it's an omen. Nick's doom divers are going to destroy lots of stuff on the weekend. I'd be more worried if I was taking amour but it's just Daemons, Daemons, Daemons for me.

  2. Now that is a very painful image: Real life doom divers landing on gaming tables! Ouch. Knocking one off the table and hearing that sickening crunch is bad enough!
